After being diagnosed with low testosterone, Ken, age 70, decided to attend a lecture at El Camino Hospital Los Gatos featuring Edward Karpman, MD, to hear more about the topic. Dr. Karpman is a urologist and a co-director of the hospital's Men's Health Program.
"I was really impressed by the proactive stance the hospital and Dr. Karpman were taking about men's health," recalls Ken. "We men need to be encouraged. Men are always supposed to be tough, but usually it takes until we're doubled over in pain before we come to the doctor."
Ken was very impressed with the lecture and Dr. Karpman. "He gives off such positive vibes; he makes you feel good as a person."
Together they decided to attack the low testosterone problem.
"I'm 70 years old, and maybe expected to have low testosterone, but that wasn't Dr. Karpman's attitude," says Ken.
Dr. Karpman gave Ken tests that he hadn't had before and suggested treating it with salves. They finally decided on testosterone replacement therapy where beads, called subcutaneous pellets, are inserted into the lower back and dissolve into the body.
"This treatment has been very effective for me," he says. "I've gotten my energy back."
Ken says he appreciates the respect that Dr. Karpman has for his patients' quality of life, no matter their age.
"Older men are forgotten souls," he says, "but thankfully we have a place now — the Men's Health Program, where we can get the help we need."