September 5, 2018 – Omar’s Dream Foundation has donated tablet computers to El Camino Hospital Foundation for youth who are patients at El Camino Hospital or a family member of a patient. The devices will allow students to remotely attend school and stay connected to family, classmates, caregivers and teachers to help reduce the isolation and stress of a hospital stay or visit.
“Last year, our care coordination team provided services to a family who was homeless. The children of the family were school aged and the iPads could have really helped them with school,” said Jodi Barnard, president of El Camino Hospital Foundation. “Thanks to the generosity of Omar’s Dream Foundation we look forward to being able to help children and their families stay connected and engaged in their schoolwork while they are in the hospital.”
“Omar was in the Lucile Packard unit at El Camino Hospital and my other children were born here,” said Jamila Hassan, founder and president of Omar’s Dream Foundation, as she delivered the tablet computers to the El Camino Hospital Foundation. “We love El Camino Hospital and are delighted to honor Omar’s legacy by giving back to a hospital that has meant so much to our family.”
About Omar’s Dream Foundation
Omar’s Dream Foundation was established in memory of Omar Hassan, who succumbed to leukemia in 2012, when he was just nine years old. In and out of hospitals for seven years, Omar didn’t want to miss out on the experiences of learning in a classroom setting. He was able to attend school remotely, which kept him socially engaged and provided significant motivation. It was his dream to give the same opportunity to other children. Omar’s Dream Foundation enables hospitalized and medically-supervised children to remotely attend school allowing them to stay connected to their teachers and classmates.
To learn more visit www.omarsdream.org.