Diet and Exercise Tips
When you eat a heart-healthy diet and exercise regularly, you can help lower your risk of heart and vascular disease.
You can significantly lower your risk of developing heart disease, stroke and other health conditions by eating well and exercising. We can help you learn how.
Eat Well
Eating well not only helps you manage your weight, it helps protect against disease. You can eat heart healthy by following a few guidelines:
- Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat protein sources and unsaturated fats.
- Read food labels and pay attention to fat, calories and salt (sodium). Keep salt intake to 2,000 mg a day or less.
- Ask your doctor about your ideal weight and how you can begin a safe weight-loss program.
Get Active
Exercise not only lowers your risk of heart and vascular disease, it improves your quality of life. Physical activity lowers your cholesterol, blood pressure and helps you manage your weight. And, it improves your mood, helps relieve stress and anxiety, and boosts your confidence.
Try to:
- Walk, hike, jog, swim, bike or use exercise equipment (such as a treadmill or elliptical machine) every day for 30 to 60 minutes.
- Gently stretch your muscles for five to 10 minutes after you exercise.
- Add balance and strength exercises to your routine. Improving balance and strength can reduce your risk of falling.
- If you've had a heart attack or stroke, ask your doctor about what’s appropriate for you.
We’re Here to Help
Need help incorporating healthy lifestyle habits? We can help:
- Our Cardiac & Pulmonary Wellness Center offers a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program that can help you lower your risk factors.
- We have a variety of classes — including help to stop smoking — to improve your health.
- Schedule a free, private consultation with a dietitian to set nutrition goals and create an eating plan.
- We offer culturally sensitive nutrition services through our South Asian Heart Center and our Chinese Health Initiative.