Care Team
Contact Us
The maternal care professionals at El Camino Health provide a full spectrum of care for mothers and babies — from breastfeeding assistance and care during labor and delivery to specialized care for high-risk pregnancies and neonatal intensive care. Our professionals are dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of you and your baby.
Focus on Mothers and Babies
Our mother-baby care team members are experienced caregivers who are focused on your needs throughout your birth experience. They work collaboratively to keep you well informed and provide assistance and personalized care.
Our team members include:
- Anesthesiologists – Doctors who specialize in administering anesthesia during surgery to keep you comfortable, safe and pain-free.
- Obstetricians – Doctors who specialize in pregnancy, labor and postpartum care. Should you need emergent care, El Camino Health has a board-certified OB/GYN hospitalist available 24/7.
- Neonatologists – Doctors who specialize in treating babies with complex problems and providing intensive care for newborns.
- Maternal-fetal medicine specialists – Obstetricians who specialize in high-risk pregnancy care, also called perinatologists. These specialists are available at our Mountain View campus.
- Pediatricians – Doctors who specialize in providing care for infants, children and adolescents.
- Certified nurse-midwives – Registered nurses who have specialized training to provide pregnancy, labor and postpartum care, as well as routine gynecologic services for women.
- Lactation specialists – Registered nurses who specialize in educating and assisting women in breastfeeding and are international board certified lactation consultants (IBCLCs).
- Clinical nurses – Registered nurses who specialize in caring for women during labor and childbirth, as well as providing care, education, assistance and support to mothers and babies post delivery. Babies in our neonatal intensive care unit will receive care from our specially trained neonatal nurses.
- Sonographers – Imaging health professionals who specialize in providing ultrasound exams to assess fetal health and growth during pregnancy.
- Social workers – Care professionals who help women and their families understand the hospital experience, and offer support and assistance with finding a variety of resources — from lodging for visiting family to specialized medical equipment or childcare services in the community.
- Birth recorders – Care professionals who gather information and submit documentation to begin the process of obtaining birth certificates and social security numbers for newborns.
- Maternity boutique staff – Staff members who are knowledgeable about mother-baby care products and specially trained in bra fitting.
Perinatal Diagnostic Care Team
- Anesthesiologists – Doctors who specialize in administering anesthesia. They monitor and care for people during their procedures and until they are stable in the post anesthesia care unit (PACU).
- Genetic counselors – Medical professionals trained to counsel women and their families about their risks for having a child with an inherited health condition. They also counsel people and families who are living with one of these conditions.
- Neonatologists – Pediatricians with special training in caring for newborns with health risks. They evaluate and treat the most complex medical problems. Obstetrician-gynecologists (OB/GYN) – Doctors who specialize in delivering babies as well as treating diseases and conditions of the female reproductive system.
- Pediatric radiology specialists – Clinicians who provide fetal imaging services, including X-rays, CT and MRI scans, nuclear medicine studies and other imaging technologies.
- Maternal-fetal medicine specialists – Obstetrician-gynecologists, also called perinatologists, who specialize in caring for women and their babies in high-risk pregnancies.
- Sonographers – Technologists trained to administer specialized perinatal ultrasound imaging.
Your Opinion Matters
Because your comfort and well-being are important to us, we encourage you to take an active part in your care and welcome your feedback. Nurse managers are available to speak with you, and you may also call or write the patient experience team at 650-962-5836 or patient_experience@elcaminohealth.org.