Specialty Programs

Because different mental health and substance use disorder conditions require different approaches, we offer a wide range of programs to provide personalized treatment. 

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Scrivner Center for Mental Health and Addiction Services Virtual Tour | El Camino Health

Scrivner Center for Mental Health and Addiction Services Virtual Tour

A teen battling depression has different needs than an adult struggling with anxiety or an older adult facing depression, so we provide specialized care for all needs. Our specialized care is designed to address the unique challenges faced by people in various stages of life.

We’re Here to Help

  • Inpatient psychiatric care. Inpatient care is designed to help adults who are going through an acute psychiatric crisis. Our women’s specialty unit offers specialized care for women, with a focus on perinatal mental health conditions.
  • Mood disorder treatment. The Adult Mood Program provides short-term, goal-oriented treatment for people experiencing significant symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Addiction services. Our evening outpatient program offers support for adults with a substance-use disorder.
  • Specialized care for youth and young adults. After-School Program Interventions and Resiliency Education (ASPIRE), offers treatment for young people who face anxiety, depression or other symptoms related to a mental health condition. Through our relationship with Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, we offer inpatient eating disorders care for teens.
  • Outpatient treatment for acute mental illness. The Continuing Care Program provides outpatient day treatment for adults managing symptoms of a thought disorder.
  • Dual-diagnosis care. The Dual-Diagnosis Program offers acute outpatient treatment for adults experiencing a psychiatric disorder that’s co-occurring with a substance-use or chemical dependency problem.
  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). ECT can be a highly effective treatment for a number of psychiatric conditions, including severe depression that hasn’t responded to medications or other treatments. ECT FAQ
  • Prenatal or postpartum depression and anxiety support. The Maternal Outreach Mood Services (MOMS) Program provides education, counseling and medical evaluation for expectant and new mothers.
  • Specialized care for seniors. The Older Adult Transitions Services (OATS) Program is an outpatient mental health program designed to support older adults facing life transitions.