For Patients
Get ready for your test by reviewing answers and advice from our team of professionals. If you have additional questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your doctor or care team representative.
Prepare for Your Imaging Test
Keep Patients and Visitors Safe
In order to help prevent the spread of infections, we follow a number of precautions to keep our patients safe, and there also are things you can do to help. By following a few, simple guidelines to help prevent the spread of infection, you can help us protect both visitors and caregivers alike.
Imaging Wellness Screenings
When you know about your health risks, you can make changes to help prevent disease before it starts. Wellness screenings can also find problems early, when they’re most easily treated. Learn more about Wellness Screenings.
Schedule an Appointment
To make an appointment, call 650-940-7050 or schedule online:
Schedule with myCare
Directions to Mountain View Imaging
Directions to Los Gatos Imaging