Electronic Health Information Request Form

In compliance with the CURES Act, the form provided below is for entities or agents representing an entity to submit a request for Electronic Health Information (EHI) . Upon submission, responses to requests will be provided within ten (10) business days.

Note: If you are a patient looking for medical records for yourself or you are a proxy for a patient, please visit our medical records page. If you are a physician needing access to a patient’s record, please contact HIMS.

Please do not include PHI in your form submission.

Information About You

* All fields are required

(Please write “None” if not applicable.)
Do you want the information sent from El Camino Health?


Information About the Represented Company

(Please write “Same” if same as company you’re with.)

(Please write “None” if not applicable.)

(Please write “None” if not applicable.)

Information About Your Request


Allergies and Intolerances - Drug Class

Allergies and Intolerances - Medication

Allergies and Intolerances - Reaction

Assessment and Plan of Treatment

Care Team Member(s)

Clinical Notes - Consultation Note

Clinical Notes - Discharge Summary Note

Clinical Notes - History & Physical

Clinical Notes - Imaging Narrative

Clinical Notes - Laboratory Report Narrative

Clinical Notes - Pathology Report Narrative

Clinical Notes - Procedure Note

Clinical Notes - Progress Note

Patients Goals

Health Concerns


Laboratory - Tests

Laboratory - Values/Results


Patient Demographics - First Name

Patient Demographics - Last Name

Patient Demographics - Previous Name

Patient Demographics -

Patient Demographics - Middle Name

Patient Demographics - Suffix

Patient Demographics - Birth Sex

Patient Demographics - Date of Birth

Patient Demographics - Race

Patient Demographics - Ethnicity

Patient Demographics - Preferred Language

Patient Demographics - Current Address

Patient Demographics - Previous Address

Patient Demographics - Phone Number

Patient Demographics - Phone Number Type

Patient Demographics - Email Address



Provenance - Author Time Stamp

Provenance - Author Organization

Smoking Status

Unique Device Identifier(s) for patient

Vital Signs - Diastolic blood pressure

Vital Signs - Systolic blood pressure

Vital Signs - Body height

Vital Signs - Body weight

Vital Signs - Respiratory rate

Vital Signs - Body temperature

Vital Signs - Pulse oximetry

Vital Signs - Inhaled oxygen concentration

Vital Signs - BMI Percentile (2 - 20 years)

Vital Signs - Weight-for-length Percentile

Vital Signs - Head Occipital-frontal

Vital Signs - Circumference(Birth-36 Months)

None of the Above


Information About Your Legal Authority

Does your organization have a SOC II report or similar third party audit report on Security Controls (e.g., HITRUST Certification)?
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