Public outreach and provider education are critical in reducing the stigma of mental illness and improving mental health care, and El Camino Health is a community leader in these efforts across the South Bay.
El Camino Health was a sponsor of this year's Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council (SASCC) health fair, "Stop the Stigma: Mental Health for All Ages," held in September. A partnership between SASCC and the Counseling and Support Services for Youth (CASSY), the event was designed to raise awareness, de-stigmatize mental health and create opportunities for healing.
Through workshops, on-site counseling, resource tables and fun activities for all ages, the health fair provided tools to support mental health. Flu shots and hearing screens were also provided. About 150 attended the event, mostly adults and older adults. Many were interested in new services or options for treating substance abuse.
The Los Gatos/Saratoga Service Providers Network met in September to discuss mental health needs in the community, local resources and how service providers can help. El Camino Health representatives provided an overview of our mental health programs to a diverse group representing mental health providers and other organizations.
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