The Scrivner Center for Mental Health and Addiction Services hosted the sixth annual Maternal Mental Health Symposium on September 29. The event, held virtually, offered continuing education and was free of charge for all community members, thanks to a generous gift from the Keller Family and support from the El Camino Health Foundation.
Nirmaljit Dhami, MD, DFAPA, medical director of inpatient perinatal services, hosted the symposium. Chief Executive Officer Dan Woods made opening remarks, and Mark Adams, MD, FACS, chief medical officer, provided an overview of El Camino Health’s perinatal programs.
A representative of the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General — Tyiesha Short, MPH, associate director of science and health policy — led with a presentation on Maternal Mental Health: Federal Actions & Policy Considerations. Other presenters discussed:
The presentations were followed by a peer panel led by Carolain Peregrino, RN, NP, ACM.
The Scrivner Center's annual Maternal Mental Health Symposium draws healthcare professionals, mental health providers, physicians, community-based organizations, advocates, policy leaders, administrators and other community members, all committed to improving perinatal mental health and behavioral health services. Healthcare professionals can receive continuing education credit for participation.
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