Keeping students healthy and in school is critical to their futures — and to long-term public health. Cupertino Union School District (CUSD) is among the region’s largest districts, serving a diverse student population of more than 13,000 — and the district’s school health program is a vital partner in improving healthcare access and health outcomes for the entire community.
"Well-funded school health programs have the potential to bridge the gap in healthcare access, improving the overall health of the community," Megan Bustle, MPH, RN, NCSN, nurse coordinator for Cupertino Union School District, says. "Thousands of school nurses all over the state carefully monitor student health; identify students with vision or hearing deficits, other medical or dental concerns, nutrition, hygiene or safety concerns; and then assist these students and their families in receiving appropriate treatment and accommodations. Despite being behind the scenes in many situations, they actively work to create an equitable learning environment, particularly for students with special health needs."
One concern, Bustle says, is that, with the rapidly rising population of students with daily care needs, the district's healthcare professionals spend much of their time handling acute cases. The district aims to be more proactive and will begin offering many primary care services for students in the fall, including immunizations and tuberculosis screening and testing.
Among other services, Community Benefit funding supports:
"This funding will be an invaluable resource for our school-based clinics this fall,” Bustle says. “When our children grow up safe, nourished and have their health needs met, they are better prepared for success, ultimately benefiting the greater community."
CUSD is a valuable partner in improving healthcare access and delivery, identified as a critical need in our 2024 Implementation Strategy Report and Community Benefit Plan.
See the complete list of fiscal year 2024 grant partners and sponsorships.
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