Los Gatos Union School District's behavioral health program serves a diverse group of students with a wide range of experiences and needs.
Los Gatos Union School District serves thousands of students with a wide range of social, economic and cultural backgrounds. Mental health services can help identify children who may benefit from more support to keep learning and growing, and Community Benefit funding helps the district provide assessment, counseling and referral to other resources if needed.
The district’s behavioral health program serves four elementary schools and one middle school, reaching children in the critical years leading up to adolescence. Community Benefit funding supports a mental health counselor to help the district provide:
- A Wellness Center for grades six through eight
- Social emotional learning (SEL) lessons and interventions, emphasizing fourth grade, fifth grade and middle school; expanding Project Cornerstone to a complete TK-8 curriculum
- A link for students transitioning from elementary to middle school
- Preventive classes and workshops
- Individual or group therapy sessions covering grief counseling, substance abuse, bullying, anger management, relationships, self-image, self-harm and family communication
- Six or more parent education events per year
- LGBTQ+ connections and support to students in fifth through eighth grade
- Building on the Positive Community Norms initiative with the high school and town of Los Gatos
Taking better care of children and their mental health is part of building a healthier, more compassionate world and future, and it takes families, healthcare providers and school districts working together. Los Gatos Union School District’s behavioral health program models this vital collaboration.
See the complete list of fiscal year 2024 grant partners.
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