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Cuesta Park Fitness Zone Ready for Use

Cuesta Park Fitness Zone Ready for Use


div style="font-size:1.375rem;font-weight:300;line-height:1.9375rem;margin-bottom:1.875rem;"> The Cuesta Park Fitness Zone in Mountain View is now open, built with Community Benefit funding and offering a high-tech workout experience.

The Cuesta Park Fitness Zone in Mountain View is now open and ready for use. El Camino Health’s Community Benefit Program made a $150,000 donation to support the Fitness Zone project, as physical fitness aligns closely with chronic disease prevention and management.

The Fitness Zone makes use of technology to enhance workouts and their effectiveness. By scanning a QR code, Apple users can look up the park location on the Greenfields app and see instructional videos on how to use each piece of equipment. They can also access trackers and other tools to log their workouts and record progress.

This partnership with the City of Mountain View benefits residents who can use the equipment for workouts before, during, or after work or school.

Find out more and download the app below:

Cuesta Park QR code


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