
Community Benefit Annual Report FY 2024

El Camino Healthcare District | El Camino Health



With our community partners, we are meeting critical needs by improving equitable access to care and supporting programs to promote healthy lifestyles for children, adults, and seniors.

Improved Healthcare Access and Navigation

Improved Healthcare Access and Navigation icon

2,024 individuals established care with a primary care provider or specialist

110 individuals received care navigation services

Schools, community clinics and nonprofit organizations provided health screenings and assessments; community members then received assistance navigating to the appropriate services.

Responded to the Demand for Mental Health Services

Responded to the Demand for Mental Health Services icon

12,006 hours of counseling sessions were provided to youth

11,375 hours of counseling sessions were provided to adults

School and community organizations provided a multitude of services for at-risk students, domestic violence survivors and other neighbors in need of mental health services, including targeted support for LGBTQ+ youth and unhoused adults.

Promoted Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Promoted Healthy Lifestyle Habits icon

341 adults reported 150 minutes of physical activity per week

5,677 youth reported 150 minutes of physical activity per week

2,095 individuals improved one or more biometric health indicator

School and community-based programs promoted and provided opportunities for physical activity, helping individuals meet CDC recommended guidelines and reduce risk factors for diabetes.

Improved Chronic Disease Management and Prevention

Improved Chronic Disease Management and Prevention icon

227 individuals reported improved self-management of their chronic health condition

Programs supported patients and community members in their personal health management, including programs to focus on heart and respiratory health, as well as cancer treatment.

Removed Barriers to Basic Needs

Removed Barriers to Basic Needs icon

1,681 individuals were connected to a sustainable source of healthy food (CalFresh/SNAP, food bank, etc.)

561 individuals improved their living conditions as a result of services provided

A dedicated and diverse group of local nonprofit organizations provided access to vital support services for community members experiencing vulnerability.

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El Camino Hospital is the legal and funding entity for El Camino Health's community benefit program. The community benefit requirement applies to 501(c)(3) tax-exempt hospitals.