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Autumn Health Tips

Autumn 2016 Health Tips

Try to incorporate the following easy health tips into your routine throughout the next few weeks.

1-minute tip: Snack on pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are actually a phenomenal health food – they are high in fiber, magnesium, zinc, omega-3 fats, and protein. They have also shown to have other health benefits, such as tryptophan for restful sleep as well as anti-inflammatory benefits.

5-minute tip: Change your air conditioner or furnace filters. Fall brings its share of allergens and pollen, and staying inside when they’re high is ineffective if you’re pumping them in from the outside. Clean filters will cut down on pollen inside the house and lower your energy bills.

15-minute tip: Get your flu shot! Most local grocery store pharmacies offer and administer flu shots, so there’s no excuse not to get one. Make it a family activity by going together.

30-minute tip: Get some sun. Shorter Fall days mean less sunlight, and less sun exposure can mean a drop in Vitamin D and serotonin, the happiness hormone. Try to get outside sometime during the day for a walk or for lunch to get some sun – but be sure to still wear sunscreen.

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