LGBTQ Community Resources
El Camino Health has been designated a Leader in LGBTQ Healthcare Equality — one of just 300 hospitals nationwide to achieve this status, by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRC), the educational arm of the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) civil rights organization.
LGBTQ persons who have questions, concerns, complaints or suggestions about their care or the care of a loved one at El Camino Hospital, please contact Patient Experience staff at 650-962-5836 or patient_experience@elcaminohealth.org. Any questions, comments or suggestions about El Camino Hospital's LGBTQ Committee, please contact Margot Flaugher and Scotia MacGillivray (650-691-4848) or click here.
Note: We hope this information is helpful. Inclusion of an organization or program on this list does not imply endorsement, nor are we liable for errors of omission in publishing this list.
- Community centers
- Community organizations and family support
- Local medical resources
- National resources
- Safety and anti-violence organizations
- Youth/transitional age youth
Community Centers
Billy DeFrank Center
The Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center strives to be the community's premier resource hub and a recognized leader in promoting health, strength, diversity and inclusiveness. They provide a broad array of opportunities and programs, a dedicated and caring staff, a corps of volunteers, and a spirit of community that celebrates the many facets of the broad-based lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender constituency in Santa Clara County.
- Website: defrankcenter.org
- Mailing and/or Business Address: 938 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 95126
- Phone Number: 408-293-3040
- Email: fabulous@defrank.org
Community Organizations and Family Support
Santa Clara County Office of LGBTQ Affairs
Santa Clara County Office of LGBTQ Affairs provides leadership and support for the well-being and longevity of LGBTQ communities in Santa Clara County through coordinated, integrated approaches.
- Website: https://desj.santaclaracounty.gov/offices/office-lgbtq-affairs
- Mailing and/or Business Address: Office of LGBTQ AFFAIRS, County Government Center, 70 West Hedding Street, East Wing, 11th Floor, San Jose, CA 95110
- Phone Number: 408-299-5163
- Email: lgbtq@ceo.sccgov.org
PFLAG San Jose/Peninsula Chapter
Formerly known as Parents, Friends and Family of Lesbians and Gays, PFLAG is the United States' largest organization for parents, families, friends, and straight allies united with people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning.
- Website: pflagsanjose.org
- Mailing and/or Business Address: PFLAG, P.O. Box 2718, Sunnyvale, CA 94087
- Phone Number: Helpline- 408-270-8182
- Email Address: pflag-info@pflagsanjose.org
Family Caregiver Alliance
LGBT Community Support: Caregiving for our Families and Friends support group offers a place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender caregivers of adults with chronic health problems to discuss the unique issues of caring for their loved ones. Read the FAQ.
- Website: caregiver.org/support-groups
Trikone offers services and support for LGBTQ South Asians in the Bay Area.
- Website: trikone.org
Asian & Pacific Islander Family Pride
This organization offers services and support for Asian and Pacific Islander families with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members in the Bay Area.
- Website: apifamilypride.org
AGUILAS is dedicated to creating a supportive, culturally sensitive environment for gay/bisexual Latinos in the Bay Area.
- Website: sfaguilas.org
Peninsula Family Services Senior Peer Counseling Program
This program offers support and services for older adults, including LGBTQ, who are 55 years and older and live in San Mateo County.
- Website: peninsulafamilyservice.org
Diversity Center
Diversity Center offers services and support for LGBTQ youth and adults in Santa Cruz county.
- Website: diversitycenter.org
Local Medical Resources:
The Billy DeFrank LGBTQ Community Center
The Billy DeFrank Community Center offers a rapid HIV test that uses an oral swab (no needles, no blood) and results are available in approximately 20 minutes. You can choose between Anonymous (no ID required, results delivered verbally) and Confidential (valid state ID required, written results provided).
Testing is available Monday through Thursday, 4 – 8 p.m. (last check-in at 7:30 p.m.)
- Website: defrankcenter.org/hiv-testing
- Mailing and/or Business Address: 938 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 95126
- Phone Number: 408-293-3040
- Email Address: fabulous@defrank.org
The center also offers the following:
- LGBTQ library and free cyber center
- Vintage luncheon (for seniors) Wednesdays and Fridays 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
- Gay Bingo every Wednesday night 6:30 p.m.
- Drag Queen Bingo third Wednesdays
- Artsplosion young queer artist events
Valley Homeless Healthcare Program – Gender Clinic
This safe space for the homeless transgender and gender expansive community of Santa Clara County offers the following services:
- Primary care
- Sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment
- HIV testing
- Masculinizing and feminizing hormones
- Trans-affirmative gynecologic care
- PrEP and PEP (prescriptions for the daily medicine that prevents HIV)
- Mental health counseling
- Mailing and/or Business Address: 2101 Alexian Drive, Suite D, San Jose, CA 95116-1901 (Bus #23, #70, #64, #522)
- Hours: Drop in on Mondays 8:30 a.m. to noon (closed every second Monday of the month)
American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society offers support for LGBT breast cancer sufferers.
- Website: cancer.org
- Mailing and/or Business Address: 747 Camden Avenue Suite B, Campbell, CA 95008
- Phone Number: 408-871-1062
- Hours: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
National Resources
National LGBT Health Education Center
The National LGBT Health Education Center provides educational programs, resources and consultation to healthcare organizations with the goal of optimizing quality, cost-effective health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
- Website: lgbthealtheducation.org
National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging is the country's first and only technical assistance resource center aimed at improving the quality of services and supports offered to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older adults.
- Website: lgbtagingcenter.org
Safety and Anti-Violence Organizations
YWCA Silicon Valley Domestic Violence Department Support Network Program
The YWCA Domestic Violence Department Support Network Program works to empower our diverse community to live free from domestic violence through the provision of safety, support services and self-empowerment.
- Website: https://yourywca.org/
- Mailing and/or Business Address: 375 South Third Street, San Jose, CA 95112
- Phone Numbers:
- Domestic Violence Department - Crisis Line: 800-572-2782
- Domestic Violence Department - Business Line: 408-295-4011
- Adriana Caldera, Domestic Violence Department Director: 408-295-4011 ext. 373
YWCA Silicon Valley- Rape Crisis Services
The YWCA Rape Crisis Services helps residents of Silicon Valley to minimize the traumatic aftermath of sexual assault and to promote safety, mobility and freedom from abuse for all people. YWCA Rape Crisis Services provides a 24-hour, seven days-a-week crisis hotline, immediate crisis counseling and assistance, information and referrals, and accompaniment services to medical, police and court facilities. Services are provided at no cost for all survivors of sexual assault or abuse, as well as their loved ones.
- Website: https://yourywca.org/
- Mailing and/or Business Address: 375 South Third Street, San Jose, CA 95112
- Phone Numbers:
- YWCA Silicon Valley, General Office: 408-295-4011 ext. 200
- 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline at 408-287-3000 or 650-493-7273
- 24-hour Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence or Human Trafficking Support Hotline 800-572-2782
Youth/Transitional Age Youth
Outlet Adolescent Counseling Services, Mountain View, CA
Outlet empowers Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQQ) youth and builds safe and accepting communities through support, education and advocacy. Outlet envisions a world that embraces, empowers and celebrates LGBTQQ youth.
- Website: acs-teens.org
- Mailing and/or Business Address: 90 West El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94041
- Phone Numbers:
- Anthony Ross, Outlet Director: 650-424-0852 x107 (Voicemail Only) and 650-965-2020 ext. 122
- Dafne Luna, Outlet Program Coordinator: 650-424-0852 x109 (Voicemail Only) and 650-965-2020 ext. 122
- Emails:
- Anthony Ross - anthony@acs-teens.org
- Dafne Luna - dafne@acs-teens.org
De Ambiente Adolescent Counseling Services, Mountain View, CA
De Ambiente is a community space for bilingual Spanish-speaking LGBTQQ youth, ages 10-25 years old. De Ambiente is the only Spanish speaking-support group for LGBT Latino youth in the San Francisco Bay Area. De Ambiente provides an opportunity for building community, health education, leadership development and social events.
- Website: acs-teens.org
- Mailing and/or Business Address: 90 West El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94041
- Phone Numbers:
- Anthony Ross, Outlet Director: 650-424-0852 ext. 107 (Voicemail Only) and 650-965-2020 ext. 122
- Rodrigo Garcia-Reyes, Spanish Language and Education Coordinator: 650-424-0852 ext. 109 (Voicemail Only) and 650-965-2020 ext. 122
- Emails:
- Anthony Ross - anthony@acs-teens.org
- Rodrigo Garcia-Reyes - rodrigo@acs-teens.org
LGBTQ Youth Space
The LGBTQ Youth Space is a Program of Family & Children Services that includes a community drop-in center and mental health program for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and ally youth and young adults ages 13-25 who live in Santa Clara County. The space is open 3 to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- Website: youthspace.org
- Mailing and/or Business Address: 452 South First Street, San Jose, CA 95113
- Phone Number: 408-343-7940
- Email: YouthSpace@FCServices.org
BWC Connections
Bill Wilson Center (BWC) Connections supports youth of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions, and validates all persons within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning communities. The center provides help with housing, education and mental health resources. Free weekly educational and skill-building workshops, regular wellness and self-care activities are offered as well as LGBTQ youth support groups.
- Website: billwilsoncenter.org
- Mailing and/or Business Address: 693 South Second Street, San Jose, CA, 95112
- Phone Number: 408-925-0233