American Heart Month Increases Awareness to Save Lives

American Heart Month Increases Awareness to Save Lives

February is American Heart Month, and supporting the fight against heart disease is a year-round commitment for El Camino Health.

Heart and cardiovascular disease claims more American lives than any other health condition, and CDC’s American Heart Month each February aims to increase awareness and encourage heart-healthy behaviors such as healthy eating, staying active, tracking cholesterol and blood pressure, and finding healthy ways to manage stress.

For El Camino Health and many of our partner organizations, fighting heart disease is a year-round commitment. Just a few examples include:

  • South Asian Heart Center, providing a culturally competent heart disease and diabetes prevention program
  • Chinese Health Initiative, providing culturally and linguistically competent hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease screenings and education
  • American Heart Association: Healthy Hearts Initiative, offering training, coaching and technical expertise for community health workers to deliver blood pressure and nutrition security screenings for underrepresented communities in Mountain View and Sunnyvale

Supporting healthy lifestyles and improving access to preventive care is critical to improving heart health. For instance, one of this issue’s featured partners, the LGS Recreation 55 Plus Program, provides services to help older adults throughout Los Gatos and the surrounding area improve their overall health and reduce their risk of heart and cardiovascular disease.

Find out more about El Camino Health’s funding and support through the Community Benefit Program.


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