Mountain View, CA - May 9, 2019 - El Camino Hospital and the Service Employees International Union-United Health Workers, West (SEIU-UHW) have reached a tentative agreement for a two-year contract for Hospital employees.
El Camino Hospital and SEIU-UHW agreed on terms which will serve the needs of our valued employees, and assist the hospital in continuing to deliver high-quality, compassionate care. The parties also agreed to participate in committees to support employee business acumen on healthcare issues and develop enhanced opportunities for education and professional development.
“Our hospital staff plays an important role in providing exceptional care, whether answering a patient’s questions about procedures and their care, ensuring a clean room, or understanding their individual dietary preferences. We recognize and appreciate our employees collaborative efforts to deliver on our legacy of quality care together,” said Dan Woods, CEO, El Camino Health.
A Union ratification vote on the contract is scheduled for May 14-16 and the Hospital Board of Directors will consider endorsing the agreement at its June 12 meeting.
“The joint bargaining teams truly came together for a common cause-to work in the best interest of our Hospital employees, our patients and our community. We were committed to the interest based bargaining process in support of our very deserving and dedicated employees and, are very pleased to announce we have come to a tentative agreement,” said Kathryn Fisk, Chief Human Resources Officer.