Stay alert. As you walk or drive around the campus, pay attention to flagmen or signs. An area you could access yesterday may not be accessible today.
Listen for the warning alarms of moving construction equipment. Stay well clear of the construction equipment, especially when it is moving.
Slow down. When driving a vehicle near a construction site, slow down and watch out for construction equipment and pedestrians.
Walk only on designated walkways. Access to the construction area will be restricted, wherever possible, by use of fencing, hazard warning tape, or other means. For your own safety, please do not enter restricted construction areas.
Do not remove barriers or warning signs/warning tape. Warning signs are up for your safety. Please leave them in place.
Please do not walk in bike lanes. The sidewalk on the north side of South Drive (the side closest to the hospital) has been closed for construction. There is a bike lane adjacent to the construction barrier. Pedestrians should use the sidewalk on the south side of the street (the side closest to the medical offices), not the bike lane. Walking in the bike lane could force a bicyclist into traffic, or cause a collision with the pedestrian.
This article first appeared in the January 2017 Campus Development newsletter.