In November 2006, my son was born at El Camino Hospital at 28 weeks gestational age, making him about 12 weeks early. My water broke the evening after my husband had cruciate ligament surgery and I'd just gotten him home and set up for his recovery. A quick ambulance trip to El Camino Hospital proved to be most fortunate. I bounced between maternity and labor/delivery for four days until I developed pulmonary edema (excess fluid in the lungs) as a reaction to some medication given in an attempt to stop contractions.
Ultimately, I had to have a C-section. We were taken to the main hospital in Mountain View to treat my serious condition. My son went to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) immediately and I went to the intensive care unit (ICU). My husband, still recovering from ligament surgery, was wheeled between the two of us.
After a very rough start and a two-month stay in the NICU, my son finally came home — still a month before his due date. I credit the incredible NICU staff for taking such great care of all three of us, since my husband was pretty incapacitated the whole time as well.
Both of us are fine now with no lingering after affects. My son is happy and healthy. My husband's knee is also fully recovered and we can't wait for the snow to arrive for some anticipated skiing.