Visiting Rights
Patients have the right to receive visitors, including a spouse, a domestic partner, family member or a friend — patients also have the right to withdraw or deny this consent at any time.
To accommodate patients’ wishes and assure their health and safety, the hospital:
- Will not limit or otherwise deny visitation privileges on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.
- Has the right to rescind visitation hours and rights based on the safety and welfare of the patient and the hospital staff, and as necessary in order to conduct normal hospital operations. Hospital staff must explain the reasons for any clinical restrictions or limitations to the patient and family.
Keeping Patients and Visitors Safe
In certain instances, hospital staff may need to limit a patient’s visiting hours for reasons such as:
- A patient’s medical condition, including a risk of infection by a visitor.
- The family’s health and safety, including a risk of infection by the patient.
- A patient’s wish for privacy or uninterrupted rest time.
- A non-private room, in order to assure the comfort of both occupants.
- The need for a sterile environment.
- Any court order limiting or restraining contact.
- Behavior presenting a direct risk or threat to anyone in the immediate environment or disruptive to the functioning of the patient care unit.
- Extraordinary protections due to a pandemic or infectious disease outbreak.
- Substance-use treatment guidelines that may restrict or limit visitors.