Complementary Wellness Services
At El Camino Health, we strive to create a soothing, welcoming environment that supports healing. Whether it's bringing music or art to the bedside or offering simple comforts to our patients and their loved ones, we offer a range of free services for patients and family members.
Music and Healing
Through the Healing Arts Program, we bring the soothing sounds of jazz, classical guitar, Celtic and double-strung harp, piano and voice to the bedside to create warmth and comfort to our hospital. Professional musicians go from ward to ward, playing in hallways and along bedsides for patients, staff, and visitors.
Professional musicians who visit our campuses include:
- Jeff Buenz, who plays Latin and jazz guitar and bass.
- Barbary Grant, who plays Celtic music and traditional songs on the Irish harp.
- Dona Reyes, who plays classical Spanish guitar music.
- David Snellbacher, who plays an assortment of guitar music including old English, Celtic, classical and traditional Christmas carols and contemporary music.
Availability may be limited. Talk to your care team to arrange a visit during your stay.
The music of the Healing Arts Program is supported by donations to El Camino Health Foundation.
Spiritual Care
El Camino Health’s chaplains and volunteers of all faiths provide nondenominational spiritual support for patients and their loved ones. Our spiritual care team is respectful of diverse spiritual and religious beliefs and cultural practices. Our chaplains are available to:
- Perform rituals, sacraments and practices of faith.
- Provide spiritual support and comfort to patients and family members during difficult times.
- Assist with ethical and moral issues, or loss and grief.
- Facilitate communication and decision-making among patients and the healthcare team.
- Arrange visits from patients’ own spiritual advisors.
To arrange a visit from a chaplain, ask your nurse or doctor, or call 650-988-7568.
Spiritual Care is supported by donations to El Camino Health Foundation.
Community Services
El Camino Health also offers a number of free services available to both patients and members of the community, including blood pressure screenings, individual consultations with a pharmacist or a dietitian, and more. Visit our Health Library & Resource Center to learn about other wellness services.