Low Dose CT Scan for Lung Cancer Screening
The risk of getting lung cancer increases with tobacco use and increased age. You may be able to receive a free Low Dose CT Lung Scan after consulting your primary care doctor.
Eligibility and Risk Factors
- Do you live in the greater San Francisco Bay Area or the South Bay?
- Are you uninsured or underinsured?
- Are you a current or former smoker with at least 20 "pack years"?
For former smokers, quit date should be within the past 15 years or less. - Are you between 50 and 80 years of age?
- Are you not experiencing any overt signs or symptoms of lung cancer? This includes unexplained cough, breathlessness, coughing up blood and unexplained weight loss. If you are experiencing symptoms, you should speak with your doctor and get a Standard Chest CT scan and not a low dose CT scan.
- Undocumented immigrants, permanent residents (green card holders), and U.S. citizens are eligible to the program.
For more information on free screening and to see if you meet eligibility criteria, please call the Lung Cancer Screening Navigator 650-940-7301 or the Cancer Center at 650-988-8338.
If you do not meet the above criteria, a low cost self-pay option is available at El Camino Health. Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer.
Free Community Low Dose CT Lung Scan is sponsored by the El Camino Health Cancer Center. The lung cancer education program is provided by the El Camino Health Cancer Center, El Camino Health Pulmonary Health, and El Camino Health Imaging Services.
Contact a Program Specialist
To make an appointment, get information, schedule a consultation or refer someone, call 650-988-8338.
Cancer Center Reports
Are You at Risk for Developing Lung Cancer?
Identify your risk factors and what to do if you are at risk.