Emergency Department Visitor Guidelines
Effective as of April 1, 2024
Safety is our highest priority. As we continue to operate our healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic, we understand that patients have concerns about seeking care. The measures below have been put in place to ensure you and your family continue to receive safe care within our emergency department.
The Emergency Department is currently allowing one (1) - two (2) visitor/support persons per patient, who must be 18 years or older.
For the safety of all, visitors/support persons will be asked to follow the entry requirements outlined below.
Emergency Department Patient and Visitor/Support Person Screening Process:
When you arrive at the emergency department, you and your support person/visitor will be screened and asked the following questions:
1. Have you been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient within 14 days of symptom onset?
2. Do you have any of the following symptoms?
- Fever or chills
- Cough or sore throat
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Congestion or runny nose
- New loss of taste or smell
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
Emergency Department Patient and Visitor/Support Person Entry Requirements:
- Wear hospital-provided mask at all times in the building, even if you or the patient are vaccinated.
- Screeners will provide you a hospital mask. Cloth masks are not allowed.
- Visitor/support person will need to use hand sanitizer on entry.
- Limit personal belongings you bring with you for your visit.
- Limit your visit to the patient room only.
Emergency Department Visitor Rules
The following policies are in place for the emergency department:
- All visitors/support persons must be 18 years or older.
- No visitors/support persons will be permitted for patients who present with COVID-19 symptoms.
- One (1) to two (2) visitors/support persons will be allowed for patients not being evaluated or treated for COVID-19 symptoms. If it is determined that a patient needs to be evaluated or tested for COVID-19 symptoms during the course of their treatment, the visitor/support person will be asked to leave until further notice.
- Visitors/support persons may wait in the designated waiting area with the patient as long as capacity allows for social distancing. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained, visitors/support persons will be asked to wait elsewhere until the patient is in a room.
- When the patient is placed in a room, the visitor/support person may accompany the patient and will be allowed time to establish communication with the emergency department caregivers. Once this is complete, the visitor/support person may be asked to exit the emergency department and wait elsewhere.
- Visitors/support persons will be screened and provided a mask to be worn at all times, including in the patient's room.
- Visitors/support persons cannot sit, stand or wait in the emergency department or hospital halls, lobby or corridors.
- Visitors/support persons must refrain from leaving and re-entering the emergency department.
- Please do not bring food and beverages into the emergency department. For your safety we don't recommend eating or drinking while in the emergency department.
Additional restrictions may be required depending on the needs and safety of patients, visitors/support persons and emergency department staff. Visitors/support persons unable to comply with the emergency department visitor rules will be asked to leave the building. Thank you for understanding while we protect your health and the health of your loved ones.
Please note:
We recognize that many people rely on a family member or close friend for support and help with accurate medical history during times of illness. If your support person cannot be present with you in the emergency department, we are happy to offer conference calls with physicians or nurses to facilitate communication.
Tools & Resources
Get directions or view the current average wait times for emergency care at El Camino Hospital.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, you can call us:
Mountain View: 650-940-7055
Los Gatos: 408-866-4040