Caregiver Services
Caring for a parent or other older adult is an act of love that can be rewarding — and exhausting. It’s all too easy to neglect your own needs when you’re trying to meet someone else’s. But, it’s critical that you take care of yourself — for the sake of your loved one’s health and your own. The right support can make all the difference.
El Camino Health offers programs and services designed for those caring for an older adult. We can also help you find other resources to meet your needs — whether you’re seeking respite services, a friendly ear or help managing a specific condition or challenge. We take a collaborative approach to caregiver support.
You’re Not Alone
Our Health Library & Resource Center, available on both Mountain View and Los Gatos campuses, serves the community as a hub of information and services. Our librarians can help you find what you need and can often provide it by email, mail or fax. We also offer a variety of classes and events to help you learn strategies for dealing with stress and preserving your own health and well-being.
Caretakers often feel alone and isolated, even in the midst of family, career and other responsibilities. Talking to someone who understands the challenges you’re facing is vital to your well-being and can help you be a more effective caregiver for your loved one. El Camino Health offers opportunities for you to meet other caregivers who are facing many of the same issues — you can share ideas and solutions, reinforce healthy habits and support each other.
Support Groups
Our caregiver support group is available to anyone responsible for caring for a family member or friend. The group is led by a geriatric case manager and a therapist from the Older Adult Transitions Services (OATS) Program. The group gives caregivers a chance to share their feelings in a relaxed, nonjudgmental environment. You’ll also hear from guest speakers with expertise in Medicare, nursing homes, financial issues and other topics important to caregivers.
We also offer an Alzheimer’s family support group, as well as a wide range of other support groups and classes that focus on a variety of health conditions, preventive care and much more. You can access these groups through the Health Library & Resource Center. All groups are free and open to the public.