COVID-19 Positive Patient Visitor Guidelines

We're committed to maintaining an open, welcoming environment on our campuses, and we make every effort to accommodate visits to our patients.

Visitors Guidelines
Effective November 1, 2023

Thank you for allowing El Camino Health to care for you and your loved ones. A visit to a loved one with COVID-19 can put you at a higher risk of disease. To support you, our patients and our staff, we ask that you follow the requirements for visiting a COVID-19 patient outlined here.

All visitors must be healthy and not have any of the symptoms listed below. Masking guidelines for all visitors remain in effect. Visitors must wear mask at all times — including in the patient room — physically distance from all persons, follow handwashing requirements and limit movement to only the patient room.

Individual may not enter if feeling unwell or experiencing any symptoms below:
  • Fever or chills
  • Cough or sore throat
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Congestion/runny nose
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
COVID-19 Positive Hospital Visitor Requirements:
  1. Visitors limited to immediate family; close-contact members only.
  2. Two (2) visitors max per day; no in and out, and no swapping.
  3. Visitor(s) are required to:
    • Use hospital-provided N95 or KN95 mask, or your own well-fitting N95 or KN95 mask at all times, regardless of vaccination status. Mask must fully cover nose and mouth at all times. Cloth masks are not allowed.
    • Wear other hospital-provided personal protective equipment (PPE), including gown and gloves.
    • Review proper and safe usage and removal of PPE. See instructions provided.
    • Use hand sanitizer upon entry, as well as when entering and exiting patient room. See instructions provided.
  4. No food or drink allowed in patient room.
  5. Limit visit to patient room only. Visitors must immediately exit the hospital after leaving the patient room.

Please note: Visitors entering a COVID-19 positive patient room may be exposed to the disease. Longer exposure time increases the risk of getting the virus.


COVID-19 Positive Patient Visitor Guide Hours by Department
Inpatient Units8 a.m. – 8 p.m.Two (2) support persons per day. Must be immediate family, or close-contact members only. No in and out. Must be 14+ years. Visitors 14- 17 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
Maternity Unit8 a.m. – 8 p.m.Two (2) designated support persons per stay (includes partner).
Emergency DepartmentOpen hoursOne (1) support person allowed. Must be 18+ years of age. (Subject to change based on volume)

Prior to your visit, please take a moment to review safe and proper usage of N95/KN95 mask and personal protective equipment (PPE).


Isolation Procedures for Visitors
  • Must wear required PPE in isolation room
  • Use hand sanitizer before entering and upon exiting room
  • Follow PPE usage instructions
Steps for Proper Usage and Removal of PPE
Steps before ENTERING roomSteps before EXITING room
  1. Clean hands with sanitizer
  2. Wear gown
    • Opening in the back
    • Place over the head
    • Tie at the waist
  3. Mask
    • Place fully covering nose, mouth and chin
    • Elastics around each ear
    • Adjust, fit nose piece
  4. Gloves
    • Select correct size
    • Insert hands into each glove
    • Do not double glove
    • Extend gloves over arms of isolation gown
  1. First, remove gloves
  2. Next, remove gown
  3. Clean hands with sanitizer
  4. Remove mask
  5. Clean hands with sanitizer again after mask removal
  6. Apply new mask after exiting room