Message from the Foundation President
El Camino Health Foundation’s fiscal year 2024 ended on June 30. We are proud and grateful to report that, over the past 12 months, generous donors have contributed more than $9 million to support exceptional patient care at El Camino Health. Many people share the credit for this wonderful result, not least the Foundation Board of Directors, who serve as our ambassadors and advocates in the community. As we start the new fiscal year, we say thank you and farewell to the board members who completed their terms and welcome the new board members who have volunteered to share their time and expertise.
Meet Our New Board Members
Stephanie Cash is El Camino Health's District Population Health Manager. She designs and leads population health measurement strategies and translates robust analytics to action. Stephanie holds a PhD in epidemiology with 15 years of experience spanning corporate, academic, nonprofit, and government organizations. Her expertise lies in population health strategy, program evaluation, study design, biostatistics, and people/vendor/program management. Stephanie and her husband Ryan live in Sunnyvale with their two children.
Laurie-Ann Look, Esq. is a member of Hopkins & Carley family wealth and tax planning practice. Her focus is on estate planning, strategic wealth transfer and management planning, and estate and trust administration. She has been a member of El Camino Health Foundation’s Planned Giving Council for more than 20 years.
Ashley Omwando is senior manager, global process excellence for strategic sourcing at LinkedIn. She is a purpose and passion-driven leader with people, programs, supply chain and strategic sourcing management experience from a myriad of industries including government (state, executive branch, U.S. Congress, aerospace and defense, fashion ecommerce, and technology.) Ashley is also a proud former NICU parent of 25-weeker twins who advocates for and advises on family-centered programs for neonatal intensive care units around the world and mentors current NICU families. Her goal is to help give back to the community that gave her family their most precious gift, healthy children.
Meet the Executive Committee
Robin Driscoll will succeed Romina Ahuja as Foundation Board Chair, and Romina will become immediate past chair. John Conover has agreed to step up as treasurer and Laura Keller will join the Foundation Executive Committee in the role of secretary. Lane Melchor will continue as Innovation Fund Chair.
Thank You and Farewell
The Foundation thanks outgoing board members Phyllis Dorricott and Mary Scrivner for lending their guidance and support over many years. Phyllis, a past Foundation board chair, served two 9-year terms, 2004-2012 and 2014-2024, is a member of the Legacy Society, and was active on the gala and golf committees. Mary joined Phyllis on the board of directors from 2014-2024 and has been a leading champion for mental health & addiction services.