Systems Biology of Early Atopy (SUNBEAM)


Study Type/Phase: Observational
Status: Not Recruiting

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a major risk factor for food allergy and other allergic diseases. Currently, there is no reliable way to identify infants who will develop eczema. This study aims to identify prenatal and early life markers of high risk for food allergy and eczema. Biomarkers and risk factors that reliably identify a high-risk population could help implement current and new prevention strategies. In this study, clinical assessments will be conducted, questionnaire information will be collected, and biological and environmental samples will be obtained from the biological mother, biological father, and infant during the prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal periods.

Speak with your doctor to determine whether you meet the following criteria for participation in this study.

Inclusion CriteriaExclusion Criteria
  • Pregnant at any stage
  • Aged > 18 years at time of consent
  • Planning to give birth at a designated center
  • Agrees to enroll offspring into the study at birth
  • Serious pregnancy complication prior to enrollment
  • Fetus has a major chromosomal anomaly
  • Plans to move and would not be able to attend or bring the child to in-person visits at a study site
  • Plans to give up the child for adoption at birth
  • Pregnancy is the result of an egg donation
  • Delivery is earlier than 34 weeks of gestation
  • Infant is born with a significant birth defect or medical condition

Principal Investigator

Lisa Packard, MD


The Division of Allergy, Immunology,
and Transplantation (DAIT)
The National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

NCT Number



Michelle Backer, Clinical Research Program Lead

Elizabeth Hoang, Clinical Research Intern

For more information about this clinical trial, including trial status, eligibility and full trial listing, visit

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