1-Minute Tip: Replace your kitchen sponge. Millions of bacteria cells can reside within sponges. Replace it with a new one to limit contamination.
5-Minute Tip: Park further away from the store. Add some extra movement to your day by parking further away from the store when out doing errands.
15-Minute Tip: Be creative. Spend a calm 15 minutes doing something with your hands. Color in an adult coloring page, do a paint by numbers or crochet. Find a way to rest your mind while doing something creative.
30-Minute Tip: Offer to help your neighbor. If you know your neighbor well, ask if you can help them pull weeds or walk their dog. Giving back and serving others is a great way to ease stress and boost your mood, and the mood of others.
This article first appeared in the September 2022 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.
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