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April 2024 Health Tips

April 2024 Health Tips

Spring has sprung! With the new season comes a new opportunity to focus on nurturing healthy habits. Start with some of these easy tips.

1-minute: If you’re going up three floors or less, take the stairs. You might even end up saving time since you won’t have to wait for the elevator!

5-minutes: Park in the furthest spot you can find at the grocery store. The few minutes you spend walking to and from the front door (as well as returning your shopping cart) is a great time to mentally review your shopping list and think about meal prep for the week.

15-minutes: Didn’t get enough sleep last night? Take a quick walk around the block as soon as you wake up – before you have your coffee. It will immediately give you a boost of energy to get through the day and can help ensure a better night’s sleep tonight.

30-minutes: Pressed for time at the gym? Start by lifting weights. Doing high intensity work first will ensure you can push yourself when you have the most energy, and that means you’ll see better results. Then end your workout with cardio, when the increased blood flow to the muscles will help your body recover. That’s the way to make 30 minutes in the gym as productive as possible!


This article appeared in the April 2024 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.

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