For smokers and ex-smokers, the threat of lung cancer is a nagging fear that won’t go away – and with good reason. But those who have never smoked are also getting diagnosed. Read on to understand your risk factors and what to look out for.
Prostate cancer is often treatable when caught early — but can you prevent it? How is it detected? If you (or someone you love) have a prostate, then it's worth knowing what to look for and when to get screened.
Testicular cancer. Those are two words men don’t want to hear, especially from their doctor. Fortunately, testicular cancer is not that common in the general male population.
Steve Jobs. Patrick Swayze. Alex Trebek. Aretha Franklin. Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Sally Ride. Besides being American icons, they all died from pancreatic cancer. Considering that pancreatic cancer is relatively rare (accounting for about 3% of all cancers in the U.S) it takes a very large toll.
Many women contend with breast tenderness or pain. It's common to have before your menstrual cycle. Clinically called mastalgia, breast pain usually isn't a sign of something serious, such as breast cancer. Even more good news: You don't have to live with it.
Imagine you're soaping up in the shower when you notice a little bump in your neck. What is it? How long has it been there? It's always a good idea to have lumps and bumps checked out, so you make an appointment with your doctor.
For most of us, spending time in the sun is a way to relax and lift our mood. But as we all know, too much sun can be dangerous. Learn more about skin cancer, and how you can protect yourself while still enjoying the outdoors on a beautiful sunny day.
Adults aged 50 and older have seen an impressive 32% drop in colorectal cancer and an even more impressive 52% decline in death rates over the past few decades. Unfortunately, colorectal cancer rates for those younger than 50 are moving in the opposite direction.
Cervical is one of the most common types of cancer in women, yet it's often misunderstood. Understanding more about this type of cancer – and what you can do to protect yourself – might just save your life.
Did you know November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month? Get informed by learning about your risk factors, plus how to keep your lungs healthy as you age.
Tobacco has been used for centuries, and the harmful effects of consuming it — whether by smoking or chewing — are well known. But what about vaping? This new method of tobacco and nicotine consumption comes with consequences that could seriously impact your health.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a DNA virus that infects mainly the liver cells in a human body and becomes incorporated into the human DNA inside their nuclei.
Diagnostic Radiologist Samuel Dawn, MD, shares his expertise on lung cancer screening. Dr. Dawn has been with El Camino Health for more than 10 years and has undergone specialty training in thoracic imaging and now practices as a diagnostic radiologist.