Emotional Well-Being Guide

Introducing the ONLY Emotional Well-Being Guide for the Bay Area Chinese Community, available in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese.

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Emotional Well-Being Guide for the Bay Area Chinese Community

This FREE guide represents the Chinese Health Initiative’s (CHI) commitment to addressing the critical need for culturally competent resources to help the Chinese community navigate mental health challenges and enhance emotional well-being.  This comprehensive guide with over 140 pages provides valuable resources, content and insights tailored specifically for the Chinese community, including:

  • Education and information about various mental health issues
  • Ways to enhance your emotional well-being
  • Integration of Eastern and Western approaches to stress management
  • How to find Chinese-speaking mental health providers and support groups
  • Chinese cultural points of view, stigmas, and barriers to understanding and seeking care for emotional well-being and mental health issues
  • How to communicate, support or intervene with family or friends experiencing mental health issues


Download the Guide Now
Available in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese; in digital format only.


Developed by Mental Health Experts and Chinese Community Leaders

CHI has worked with mental health experts to develop this guide. Their expertise has ensured the inclusion of the most relevant and valuable information to address the unique mental health needs of our local Chinese community.

The guide is organized into three main parts:

Part I: Mental Health Literacy

An introduction to understanding mental health, life challenges, and common disorders, providing foundational knowledge about how mental health impacts daily life.

Part II: Enhancing Emotional Well-Being

Practical tools and strategies for managing stress, building resilience, and practicing self-care. This section integrates Western and Eastern approaches to emotional health, focusing on culturally relevant methods for stress management.

Part III: Accessing Mental Health Services

Comprehensive guidance on finding support, accessing local resources, initiating mental health conversations with loved ones, and navigating crisis support for urgent situations.

Quotes from the Guide

“Chinese Americans often experience these (life) transitions through the lens of cultural expectations, balancing traditional values with the demands of their new roles and environments. For example, caregiving for elderly parents while raising children—a stress known as "sandwich generation" pressure-is particularly common in midlife, Similarly, seniors may face loneliness as their children leave home, compounded by language and cultural barriers that limit access to community resources.”
- From Chapter 2

“It is common for the Chinese community to first examine themselves when something goes wrong. Many may think, “Did I do something wrong? Why did this happen to me?” Instead of questioning those who initiate anti-Asian behavior, they may start by questioning themselves, the victim.”
– From Chapter 2

“In Chinese culture, discussing emotional issues is often less common, and admitting to anxiety might be personally perceived as a sign of weakness. However, this is a common misconception. Confucius, known for his teachings on balance, wisdom, and self-reflection, emphasized the importance of understanding and managing one’s emotions in a thoughtful and harmonious way. A Chinese culturally advocated and congruent way to face anxiety is to acknowledge it and choose to react in a balanced, wise, or effective way.”
– From Chapter 4

Chinese Health Initiative – Ongoing Commitment

Over the last several years CHI has recognized that data on emotional well-being and the mental health of the Chinese community has indicated a growing health need. To address these issues, CHI launched an Emotional Well-Being initiative a few years ago that included community outreach, as well as support through webinars and an online resource hub.

As interest and attendance at our events and use of our online resources have grown, we recognized the need for a more comprehensive resource. This led to creation of the Chinese Health Initiative's A Guide to Emotional Well-Being for the Chinese Community.

Learn more about the Chinese Health Initiative and other CHI programs. If you would like to receive the latest health information, expert advice, invitations to events and more from CHI, sign up here.


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