Over the years, a very special group of volunteers within the Auxiliary have been dedicated to creating items specifically for patients with certain needs during their stay, and while recuperating at home. This group, made up of long-standing volunteers, meet weekly in the hospital to sew and crochet items that are shared with our patients.
Here are just a few of the items our Auxiliary have created over the years.
- Pinkie Puppets – A lively puppet, created in 1962 as a tool for staff to help distract and entertain children during procedures.
- Comfort Pillows – A small pillow, created to provide comfort to patients who have undergone abdominal surgery. The pillows also provide support patients recovering from back and neck surgery.
- Baby Caps – A small knitted hat, provided to newborns for a warm ride home from the hospital. New parents can choose from a variety of colors and patterns.
- Christmas Baby Sacks – A stocking like sack, created in 1964 as a special holiday gift to new parents of babies born during the holiday season. The sacks are used as a blanket to bring babies home.
- Ear Pillows – A small pillow, created in 2012 to provide comfort and alleviate bedsores and pressure ulcers from patients who were required to rest on their sides for lengthy periods of time.
- Safety Sashes – A brightly colored sash, created in 2012, as a safety measure for nurses to wear while dispensing medication to patients. The sash alerts staff that the nurse should not be interrupted.
- Bedside Caddies – An easy to reach hand sewn organizer that attaches to the hospital bed rails and holds items that are necessary during a hospital stay, such as call light with TV remote, notebook and pen, phone and glasses. The idea came from an Auxiliary member who was hospitalized in 2014.
- Eye Glass Cases – A hand sewn case, created in 1998, provides patients who are hospitalized unexpectedly a safe, soft place to keep their glasses.
- Oncology Blankets – A hand knitted blanket, provided to keep our patients warm and comfortable during their oncology treatments and while recuperating at home. In addition to blankets, hats and shawls are also made and offered to patients in our cancer program.
- Busy Squares – A 12” crocheted square, provided to patients suffering from dementia to offer a calming and comforting activity. The squares include knobs, pockets and textural features that patients can manipulate while keeping their hands busy and their mind serene.
- TV/Call Light Remote Diagram – A useful tool provided to patients to explain how to access the patient entertainment system, including TV channels, music, videos, etc.
- Cardiac Rehab Monitor Packets – A hand sewn pocket, worn around the neck of cardiac rehabilitation patients who need to carry a heart monitor at all times.
- Carrot – A hand sewn item, provided to patients undergoing hand therapy and rehabilitation due to surgery. The “carrot” is a soft item used to help build strength and flexibility during therapy.
During National Healthcare Volunteer Week, we proudly unveiled a display of these handmade items.
This article first appeared in the April 2016 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.