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Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley Fights Coronavirus: How Local Businesses and the Tech Industry are Getting Involved

As the world continues to face the most wide-spread health crisis in more than 100 years, we’re finding heroes in some unexpected places. Businesses are setting aside profits and competition to band together to offer solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Technology for Humanity: Coming Together with A Common Goal

Silicon Valley is home to several of the world’s leading technology giants that have brought countless life changing products to the world. Now many of those companies are using their talent and resources to fight against the COVID-19 virus. Below, are just a few examples of the companies who have joined the fight.


Apple has donated $15 million to support those who are sick, as well as lessen the economic impact of the pandemic. Through its massive supply chain, Apple was able to source 20 million masks to donate to medical workers. They’re also working with suppliers to design, produce and send face shields.


Google is working several strategies to help during the pandemic. Some of their initiatives include fighting COVID-19 misinformation online, providing supportive platforms for academic medical researchers and supporting online distance learning.

Apple and Google Partnership: Contact Tracing Technology

Apple and Google are teaming up in a big way to help decrease the spread of COVID-19. The two technology powerhouses are working together to develop contact tracing technology that will work on both Android and iOS devices. People can download an app that will notify them if they’ve come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

HP Inc.

HP Inc. is using their 3D printing technology and expertise to deliver face masks, face shields, mask adjusters, nasal swabs, hands-free door openers and respirator parts to medical facilities. They’re also collaborating with partners around the world to increase production of these essential items.


IBM built a supercomputer that allows researchers to quickly identify drug compounds that can disable the coronavirus. Results that used to take months, can now be acquired within days. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy are using IBM's supercomputer to help combat the pandemic. IBM has also made its clinical health trial software available to federal agencies free of charge.


Facebook is working with the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and UNICEF to help convey current and fact-based information about the coronavirus. They’re simultaneously making efforts to prevent misinformation from spreading on their platform. Researchers are also studying Facebook data — including mobility data and population density maps — that may help reduce the spread of the virus.


Doing Our Part

At El Camino Health, our devoted medical teams are fighting the virus on the front lines. We are proud of our doctors, nurses and other medical personnel for doing what they do best — providing compassionate and highly skilled care — during these very trying times.

In addition to providing hands-on medical care to patients, we’re partnering with local businesses to purchase personal protective equipment, like masks and gloves, along with other medical supplies. We’ve also partnered with Gilead (a local biotech company) on a clinical trial for COVID-19 treatment. As this pandemic continues, so does our commitment to finding new and effective ways to help.

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