It is not uncommon to experience some or all of the following reactions to some degree or another:
There are certain behaviors that usually occur as well when it comes to dealing with grief, which range from sleeplessness to social withdrawal, crying, restlessness, absentmindedness and a loss of appetite. As the person begins to adapt to their new reality, the grieving process becomes less intense and he or she begins to return to his or her prior routine, and with time, the sadness and symptoms associated with the loss ease and become less intense. It’s important to remember grief is a highly individualized process with no clear and firm timeline.
Grief is a normal, natural and healthy response to loss and understanding it better can be helpful when a person faces a difficult change. Greater understanding also helps the person recover from it and grow from the experience. An expert on the grieving process, psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, identified the five stages of grieving:
It is important to learn how to live with the loss, express emotions and ask for help while moving through these stages. Taking care of physical needs by getting enough rest and staying healthy while allowing time to grieve are also keys to overcoming grief and moving on. Expect to have some setbacks, but try to focus attention on good memories and not the “should haves or could haves.” Writing down thoughts and feelings can prove beneficial.
Finding a supportive person to help ease the healing process who doesn’t judge and is a good listener can also provide comfort and make the process less painful. Seeking out community resources to address specific needs is also helpful. However, if time goes on and the feeling of grief is not subsiding or the grief is just simply too overwhelming for the person to function adequately, they may need to seek professional help.
We are fortunate that our community has many resources available for a variety of needs:
This article first appeared in the February 2017 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter and the Spring issue of the Chinese Health Initiative Wellness eNewslettter. Learn more about the Chinese Health Initiative.
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